
Broan S97012038 Ventilation Fan Motor and Blower W

$46.92 $13.21

Genuine Broan S97012038 motor and blower wheel assembly
This motor has an original part number of S99080216 and works with the following Broan ventilation fan models: 659, 662, 663A, 663B, 663C
663D, 663E, 668, 688, 678, 678B, 688, 688A, 688B, 688C, 688D, 688E

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Authentic Broan S97012038 Motor and blower wheel assembly. This motor has an authentic section collection of S99080216 and works with the next Broan air flow fan fashions: 659, 662, 663A, 663B, 663C, 663D, 663D, 663E, 668, 688, 678, 678B, 688, 688A, 688B, 688C, 688D, 688E. This motor is the precise alternative for the next motor numbers: 15617, 162502, 02S0055, 0340775B, one zero one-1770, 14266A, 15194A, 301-3001, 5KSB33BG1858, C202A, CC0053, CC0154, P-10294, P-14266A, P14266A, P-15194, P-15617, P-608-31-1, P-9983, S10625002, S10625236, S10625237, S20625002.
Authentic Broan S97012038 motor and blower wheel assembly
This motor has an authentic section collection of S99080216 and works with the next Broan air flow fan fashions: 659, 662, 663A, 663B, 663C
663D, 663E, 668, 688, 678, 678B, 688, 688A, 688B, 688C, 688D, 688E
This motor is the precise alternative for the next motor numbers: 15617, 162502, 02S0055, 0340775B, one zero one-1770, 14266A, 15194A, 301-3001
5KSB33BG1858, C202A, CC0053, CC0154, P-10294, P-14266A, P14266A, P-15194, P-15617, P-608-31-1, P-9983, S10625002, S10625236, S10625237, S20625002

Frequently Bought Together

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